Current Activities
05.-06.12.2024 EUXGLOB Conference in Cluj
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schneckener opened the 4th EUXGLOB Conference at Babeș-Bolyai University in Cluj (Romania) with a keynote on the topic of ‘Russia's war of aggression as “Zeitenwende” for the European security order’. At the same conference, the two project team members, Isabel Hoffmann and Katharina Kleynmans, also presented the DFG-funded research project ‘The production of mobility options: migration and border management in the framework of the Eastern Partnership of the European Union’.
13.11.2024 Public Lecture in Quakenbrück
As part of the Artländer Peace Talks, Prof Dr Ulrich Schneckener gave a lecture on Russia's war of aggression and the consequences for the European peace order at the Hermann-Bonnus- Birthplace in Quakenbrück (Osnabrück district).
06.-11.10.2024 Study Trip to Cyprus
As part of the MA programme Conflict Studies and Peacebuilding, Prof. Dr Ulrich Schneckener and Prof. Dr Alexander De Juan went with 20 students on a study trip to Cyprus in order to learn more about various dimensions of the long-standing conflict on the divided island. This involved discussions and meetings with state and civil society actors, as well as visits to museums and exchanges with Cypriot academics and students.
24.-27.09.2024 DVPW Congress in Göttingen
At the 29th Congress of the German Political Science Association (DVPW), Prof. Dr Ulrich Schneckener presented a paper entitled ‘(Re-)Enacting dueling narratives of war: Contrasting Putin and Zelenskyy's storytelling practices of (de)legitimation’ on the panel ‘Narratives Uncertainties’ (Chair: Prof. Dr Jürgen Neyer).
11.09.2024 Podcast on ‚fundamentals of peacebuilding‘
Together with Sonya Reines-Djivanides (Executive Director of the European Peacebuilding Liasion Office, EPLO, Brussels), Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schneckener discussed ‘The fundamentals of Peacebuilding’ in a podcast of the European Association for International Education (EAIE) and also presented the Osnabrück MA programme ‘Conflict Studies and Peacebuilding’. Link to the podcast: https://www.eaie.org/resource/podcast-reines-djivanides-schneckener-fundamentals-of-peacebuilding.html
30.08.-01.09.2024 GLOBSEC Forum in Prague
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schneckener was invited to take part in the 19th GLOBSEC Forum, which was held in Prague for the first time. Organised by the think tank Globsec (Bratislava), this is an annual security conference for Central and Eastern Europe, which was attended by numerous heads of state and government, foreign and defence ministers and members of parliament from Northern, Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe. The prominent panel discussions focussed on issues such as European and transatlantic security, the consequences of the Russian war against Ukraine and the prospects for EU enlargement.
24.-26.07.2024 World International Studies Committee (WISC) Conference in Warsaw
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schneckener took part in a roundtable discussion on ‘Conceptualising and Discussing Russian (Retro)Imperialism as a Challenge for European Security and Prospects’ at the 7th Global Conference of the WISC and debated the causes of the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine and the consequences for European security with colleagues from Ukrainian and Polish universities.
09.07.2024 Talk on European security & integration
At a panel discussion in Vienna, co-organized by the Dialogue Office for Civil Society Cooperation and the Institute for the Danube Region and Central Europe (IDM), Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schneckener presented together with Sebastian Schäffer (IDM Director) the idea and concept of the “Greater European Council” as a new forum for the security cooperation between EU and Non-EU member states.
29.05.2024: Colloquium on peace strategies in Berlin
At the colloquium "Peace Strategies in the Multipolar World" in Berlin on the occasion of the retirement of Prof. Dr. Michael Staack (Helmut Schmidt University Hamburg), Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schneckener participated at a panel on the "Future of the World Order" and discussed with Prof. Dr. Sandra Destradi (Albert Ludwig University Freiburg) and Prof. Dr. Michael Brzoska (IFSH Hamburg).
29.04.2024: Debate on Peace and Security by SPD Bielefeld
On the invitation of SPD Member of Parliament Wiebke Esdar, Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schneckener discussed in Bielefeld current peace and security policy issues, in particular regarding the implications of Russia’s war against Ukraine, with the Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development, Svenja Schulze.
01.04.2024: Start of a new Collaborative Research Center
As part of the new SFB 1604 "Production of Migration" at the University of Osnabrück, Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schneckener is leading the sub-project B2 "The Production of Mobility Options: Migration and Border Management within the Eastern Partnership of the European Union".
27.02.2024: Lectures at Comenius University Bratislava
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schneckener delivered two lectures at Comenius University Bratislava (Slovakia), one of the Erasmus partners of the Institute of Social Sciences. First, he talked about "Putin's War Narratives and Germany's (failed) Russia Policy", secondly, he presented his thoughts about "Russia's War of Aggression: Turning Point for European Security Order?"
06.12.2023: Panel discussion in Hannover
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schneckener took part in the panel discussion on "Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine: How can a European (in)security order be shaped?" at the teachers' forum of the Evangelical State Church in Hannover.
16.11.2023 Key note lecture at the BKJPP annual conference
Prof. Schneckener gave the key note lecture at the annual conference of the Professional Association for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Psychosomatics and Psychotherapy in Germany (BKJPP), which took place from November 16-18 in the Osnabrück Halle. The title of his lecture was: “(No) War ending? Russia's invasion and the prospects for peace in Europe“.
16.10.2023: Panel discussion in Münster
At the symposium "Winning the peace. From 1648 to the present day", organized by the LWL Institute for Westphalian Regional History in Münster, Prof. Dr. Schneckener discussed contemporary challenges for global and European peace with Prof. Dr. Ricarda Vulpius (University of Münster) and Dr. Aylin Matlé (DGAP, Berlin).
15.10.2023: Public Lecture in Höxter
At the Forum Anja Niedringhaus in Höxter, Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schneckener spoke on the topic "(No) War ending? Russia’s invasion and the prospects for peace in Europe".
12/13.10.2023: Conference "War and Peace in Ukraine" in Bielefeld
Prof. Dr. Schneckener chaired the panel "Rebuilding Ukraine: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Peacebuilding and Reconstruction" at the interdisciplinary and international Conference on “War and Peace in Ukraine” at Bielefeld University and spoke at the end about the "blind spots" of peace and conflict research in the analysis of the conflict region of Eastern Europe.
The final workshop of the research project “Micro-level determinants and consequences of militia performance. Mixed-methods re-search into the organization of violence and security between the state and communities” has taken place at the Madrid-premises of Stanford University. The project team at the University of Osnabrück (Alexander De Juan, Kristof Gosztonyi and Jan Koehler) and project partners at Stanford University have discussed the final empirical results of the three-year project that has been funded by the Germen Research Foundatio n (DFG).
21.9.2023: Public Lecture on Frontex and EU border security in Vienna
As part of his research stay at the Institute for the Danube Region and Central Europe (IDM, Vienna) Prof. Dr. Schneckener delivered a lecture entitled "Push back Frontex? Politicizing European Border Security", based on his research project „Politicising European Security”.
12.9.2023: Talk at GLOBSEC in Bratislava
Invited by the GLOBSEC think tank in Bratislava (Slovakia), Prof. Dr. Schneckener spoke about "Russia's War of Aggression as 'Turning Point'? Implications for European Security." He also gave two interviews for Slovakian daily newspapers regarding current German foreign and security policy.
11./12.07.2023: Master program excursion to The Hague
With a group of students from the MA program Conflict Studies and Peacebuilding, Prof. Dr. Alexander De Juan and Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schneckener visited inter alia the International Criminal Court, Eurojust and the International Commission on Missed Persons in The Hague.
10.07.2023: Panel discussion on the "Zeitenwende“
At a joint event of the ZEIT Foundation and the IFSH in Hamburg, Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schneckener discussed with Prof. Dr. Ursula Schröder (Director, IFSH) and Bundestag Vice-President Aydan Özoguz (SPD) about the “Zeitenwende” in German security policy and its implications for peace and security in Europe.
22.6.2023 Russia's war: consequences for peace ethics and peace policy
At the invitation of the German Commission Justitia et Pax, Prof Dr Ulrich Schneckener took part in an online discussion on the war against Ukraine and the consequences for peace policy and peace ethics. He discussed with Sara Nanni (Member of Parliament, B90/Die Grünen), Prof. em. Dr Hans-Dietrich Stobbe (Commission Justitia et Pax) and Prof. Myroslav Marynovych (Vice-Rector of the Ukrainian Catholic University, Lviv/Ukraine). The conversation was recorded.
08.06.2023 Lecture on Putin's war narrative and Germany's Russia policy
As part of the lecture series "Zeitenwende in der Sicherheitspolitik"(Turning point in security policy) at the University of Halle, Prof Dr Ulrich Schneckener spoke on the topic of "Gestörter Empfang: Putins Kriegsnarrative und die deutsche Russlandpolitik" (A disturbed reception: Putin's war narrative and Germany's Russia policy"). Alexey Yusupov (Head of the Russia Programme at the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung) commented on the lecture. The event was recorded.
30.05.2023 Lecture on Russia's invasion and Europe's security
At the invitation of the SFB Dynamics of Security at the Philipps University of Marburg, Prof Dr Ulrich Schneckener gave a lecture entitled "Russia's invasion: What remains of the European security order?".
04.05.2023 Workshop about Forced Migration and Peace
As part of the interdisciplinary workshop series "African Forced Migration Studies in Germany", the next workshop focuses on "Forced Migratoin and Peace" and takes place on 4 May 2023 online. It seeks to bring together scholars to futher research debates and networking.
The workshop is organized by Ulrike Krause, Nadine Segadlo and Hannah Edler (Osnabrück University) and Franzisca Zanker (ABI).
April/May 2023 Research stay at the EUI Florence
Prof Dr Ulrich Schneckener spent several weeks as a Visiting Fellow at the Robert Schuman Centre of the European University Institute (EUI) in Florence, where he sought an exchange with international colleagues on various topics of European security policy.
26.04.2023 "Report Globale Flucht 2023" published by Fischer
Today the book "Report Globale Flucht 2023" is published by S. Fischer Verlag. The book is part of the FFVT joint project and edited by Jochen Oltmer, Marcel Berlinghoff, Franck Düvell, Ulrike Krause and Andreas Pott. It covers 25 chapters on global refugee movements, the consequences of the war in Ukraine, the impact of borders, the state of refugee protection, and regional developments, including those in Germany. Further information: Link.
Oltmer, Jochen, Berlinghoff, Marcel, Düvell, Franck, Krause, Ulrike und Pott, Andreas (eds.) (2023), Report Globale Flucht 2023 (Frankfurt a.M.: Fischer).
Alio, Mustafa, Gardi, Rez und Krause, Ulrike (2023), 'Die Rolle geflüchteter Menschen in der Flüchtlingspolitik', in Jochen Oltmer, et al. (Hrsg.), Report Globale Flucht 2023 (Frankfurt a.M.: Fischer), 116-125.
Krause, Ulrike (2023), 'Ein kritischer Blick auf den Umgang mit Zahlen über Geflüchtete in Medien und Politik', in Jochen Oltmer, et al. (Hrsg.), Report Globale Flucht 2023 (Frankfurt a.M.: Fischer), 150-160.
20.04.2023 Presentation by Ulrike Krause
On April 20, 2023 Ulrike Krause gave a lecture on "Invisible Colonial Others? Postcolonial and gender perspective on international refugee law and protection" as part of the lecture series on "Interrogating intersectionality across migration studies. Reflecting on power relations, representations and methodologies" organized by Jane Freedman, Nina Sahraoui and Elsa Tyszler at the Paris Centre for Political and Sociological Research (CRESPPA).
11.04.2023 Lecture Series
In the summer semester 2023, the lecture series "War, Conflict, Peace and Gender" of the Gender Studies Research Unit (FGF) in cooperation with the Center for the Study of Conflict & Peace (CeCoP) will take place on Wednesdays 12-14pm. It is organized by Prof.in Dr.in Meike Rühl, Prof. Dr. Kai-Olaf Maiwald and Prof.in Dr.in Ulrike Krause and administratively supported by Hannah Edler and Lena Wittenfeld.
10.-14.04.2023: Erasmus programme in Cluj-Napoca
As part of an Erasmus Staff Mobility, Prof. Dr Ulrich Schneckener taught for a week at Babes-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca (Romania), giving several lectures on Russia's war against Ukraine, German policy towards Russia and EU neighbourhood and security policy.
06.03.2023 New Podcast about the book "Difficult Life in a Refugee Camp"
As part of the New Books Network and the Political Science series, Prof. Lamis Abdelaaty did a podcast with Ulrike Krause about her book "Difficult Life in a Refugee Camp". The Podcast is available online.
02./03.03.2023 Conference on conflict and cooperation in Eastern Europe
The Center for Eastern Europe and International Studies (ZOiS) in Berlin organized an international conference on conflict and cooperation in Eastern Europe. Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schneckener took part in the final panel on the political, economic and social consequences of the Russian attack on Ukraine.
22.02.2023 Interview: One Year War against Ukraine
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schneckener has been interviewed by the “Westfälische Nachrichten” (Münster) about the current stage of Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine and on the German debate regarding peace negotiations. See: https://www.wn.de/welt/ukraine-krieg/ukraine-krieg-russland-interview-friedensforscher-2710443
06.02. 2023 Re-election as DSF chairman
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schneckener has again been elected as chairman of the board of the German Foundation for Peace Research (DSF). The Federal Foundation, based in Osnabrück, supports innovative peace and conflict research projects throughout Germany and promotes the building of academic networks as well as the transfer of knowledge between science, politics and society. Prof. Schneckener has chaired the DSF since 2016 and is now beginning his third and final term.
26.01.2023 Defence of Hannah Schmidt's doctoral dissertation
On Thursday, 26 January 2023, Hannah Schmidt successfully defended her doctoral dissertation. Her dissertation focuses on the spatial production of refugee camps and is entitled "Weaving the Camp. Refugees' Practices of Spatialization in a Refugee Camp in Uganda". Specifically, it analyses spatial practices of refugees in camps based on the case of Kyaka II in Uganda. The doctoral thesis is supervised by Ulrike Krause and Susanne Buckley-Zistel (Marburg Universität).
25.01.2023 Parliamentary evening in Berlin
In cooperation with the Center for Eastern Europe and International Studies (ZOiS), the German Foundation for Peace Research (DSF) organized a parliamentary evening in Berlin on "The Future of Ukraine in Europe". Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schneckener moderated the event for members of parliament and employees of the German Bundestag, which was kicked off with briefings by Prof. Dr. Gwendolyn Sasse (ZOiS) and Prof. Dr. Andrea Gawrich (Justus Liebig University Giessen).
24.01.2023 Lecture at the VHS Osnabrück
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schneckener gave a lecture entitled "Russia's attack. What remains of the European peace order?” at the Osnabrück Volkshochschule as part of the “Third World Colloquium”.
16.01.2023 Presentation in Lecture Series
In the IMIB lecture series on migration policy and refugee reception in a (trans-)local context, Ulrike Krause, Nadine Segadlo and Hannah Edler will talk about the results of the research project "Women, Forced Migration - and Peace?". The talk will focus on "Exploring roles, meanings and practices of peace among displaced people". We ask what meanings of peace refugees produce and how they work for peace. The project is funded by the German Foundation for Peace Research.